A podcast on sustainability, hosted by Damla Özlüer and Steve Connor, brought to you by the DNS Network. Looking at sustainability issues, communications, and featuring global guests from a wide variety of sectors such as business, NGOs and government.
How to Decarbonise a City, with Sam Nicholson
In this episode we're talking to the climate crisis firebrand, Sam Nicholson, who is the Director of Manchester's Climate Change Agency and Deputy Chair of the City's Climate Change Partnership. Our chat kicks off with Sam's first steps into environmentalism through vegetarianism and ends up looking at the huge scale of global urbanisation and what it means for decarbonising the world.
We touch on female leadership in the climate movement, how to craft a city framework for climate action, and some of the important areas a city needs to consider like real estate retrofit to reduce emissions, through to the critical need to consider climate adaptation, as well as mitigation.
We also cover the role that a city's business community can play in creating a coalition determined to tackle the most pressing environmental issue of our time, before rounding off on Sam's thoughts about personal resilience and the need to double down on our net zero goals.
Listen in to get a real insight into the city playbook for climate.
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